Sunny Spot

Monday, March 14, 2011

New Car and a Vacation NEEDED

I know it has been a few weeks...okay a month...since I last posted, but I've been busy and distracted.  You see, my husband bought me a new car, she was beautiful and perfect and I loved her and named her Candy.  Well after only having the car for 4 weeks, she was totaled...and I hadn't even made the first payment!  Can you imagine?  Well long story short was that she used to look like this:

my new ride.jpg
Wasn't she pretty?  Well Now she looks like this:

I know the picture doesn't do it justice, but let's say this...I'm happy to be hear complaining that my car is destroyed and having to go through all the hassles that go along with it.  The entire frame was shifted and moved about 2"...I guess that's what getting hit be a car doing 50mph will get you.  My husband and son were in the car with me when this happened and my son was sitting behind me.  If I had been in another car I do not believe I would have walked away with a few aches and my boys with nothing.

So over the weekend knowing the insurance issues would shortly be resolved, I picked out a car.  She is another beautiful girl, but I will not be naming her and I feel it is bad JuJu now.  Pictures will be posted after her delivery to me tomorrow night.

Happy Monday