I know that I have been very negligent about writting since the first of the year. But let's face it, I've never been very consistant! I always have good intentions, but they don't always work out the way I plan.
Last I posted we were going to pick up the new car and we did. I am still suffering with some anxiety driving and am trying to get past the 1600 mile post at which I had my accident and looking forward to making my first payment on the car next week.
Speaking of next week, Danny and I are heaing out on our annual road trip to Tennessee to see my parents. We are leaving Saturday morning and will come back next weekend...plan on heading home Saturday but we will see how the week goes, maybe I won't come back at all! Not that I have any desire to live in TN, but I would love to relocate to a warmer southern climate and be closer to my parents.
While we are gone my husband has a guy coming in to re sheetrock the house. Over the years we have had "repairs" made that weren't the best jobs and some roof leaks that have now been fixed. So we need to get new drywall up so I can have a summer filled with lots of painting! These kinds of projects need to be done while I am not in residance for a few reasons:
1) I have some MAJOR anxiety when it comes to opening walls and exposing what has crawled up and died. Or worse, old wood that now needs to be replaced and more $$$ to be spent. I like to leave this kind of thing for my husband to have to deal with since I get everyday reality, he can have the construction reality!
2) I cannot stand the mess or the disorder that comes with major projects. I don't like to have strangers in and out of the house with mud and dirt on thier shoes because I clean behind them...just like my grandmother! I would clean up the night after they left and have to do it everyday because I couldn't sleep knowing there was dirt and dust and squalor sleeping with me.
3) I tend to cook to ease my anxiety so there are WAY too many breaks to make any job productive. When we had the roof done last fall it was a 6 hour project that turned into a 3 day project, everyone needs to eat! They need a snack and coffee every 2 hours and 3 good meals to keep them strong. My husband disagrees with me, but I can't have a house full of Testostrone and not feed it.
As you can see I have some definate issues, but I'm working on them by doing my part and leaving town for 7 full days so it can get done.
So as you can see I have no good reason for not blogging, I think I've just gotten lazy. I will work on this while I am away and see if I can put aside an few minutes to let you know how it's all going.
Happy Wednesday