Sunny Spot

Friday, January 18, 2013

January and Looking Forward

So here it is January 2013 and I have had nothing but stress...I just looked over my last post from December and boy do I have shit to add to that post!

Christmas came and went without any fan fair  but on December 26th instead of my mother having her knee replaced she went into the hospital with an infection that has yet to be named!  Yes, she is still in the hospital.  She went from being sick, to being REALLY sick (ICU) and is now terribly malnourished but getting better.  After almost a month is bed she still has not walked and her mood is foul.  Needless to say my assistance was not welcomed and I am now completely out of the loop with her day to day care.

With that out of my system I've been looking at what I want to do in 2013 but have yet to decide.  I've ruled a few things out but have been thinking about going back to school, part time of course.  I have a friend who is struggling with his academic career and it's made me think ... "maybe I should finally get my degree"?  What do you think?  It's a bucket list item for me and maybe this is the year it happens...I'll let you know how that flys at home when I bring it up tonight!  I did start an application online, now I just have to sell it.

How are y'all?  What do you want to accomplish in 2013?