Today, the 27th Anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, it feels as if the world has forgotten what this day felt like in 1986...I remember it and am saddened that the national media has forgotten it.
Today's headlines mention the passing of George Jones, for which I am also saddened and more media overload on the "Boston Bomber". Now not to be disrespectful, but thousands of lives were lost and /or affected by the nuclear disaster....George Jones made some bad life choices and still lived to 81 and the 3 lives lost are still a tragedy for the Boston families, but the bomber has been caught - can we please move on?
Every year I see September 11th become less and less important to those who's lives weren't affected by this event, but to those who lost it is a date that will never be forgotten. To those families and friends who lost someone on this date 27 years ago, it is important to remember and take a minute to pray for them. I know you're thinking I'm crazy, but it's won't take but a second of your time to think about someone who needs it.
Let me close by saying that I didn't lose anyone in either disaster, but both dates in history sadden me and I make it a point to think of an image that I've seen and say a prayer for that person and their families. If it were me left behind I know I would want this, yes even from someone I've never met.