Sunny Spot

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday Reflection

This morning as I was getting ready for my day, I stopped and reflected on something that I never thought about before.  It gave me some prospective and I wanted to share it with the 3 people who like and read my blog!
I was thinking about my 2 great aunts, one is well to do and has no children the other is well taken care of but has children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Then I thought about my grandparents, who are now both gone but still missed.  BTW, these are my maternal relatives.  I realized that my grandparents left us, meaning my sister and I, nothing upon their death.  They left everything to my deceased Uncles 2 children, who have no parents and now no grandparents either so the material things like the house and the little jewelry meant security for these kids.
Then it occurred to me that I got the best years of their lives.  They were young when I was born so I had 38 years with them, that was my inheritance.  I learned to cook, sew, clean, wash, garden, can, bake, love, laugh and even play Bingo from these people.  My values and everything that I am is because of my elders; because of the years I got to spend and the time invested in my future.  So I didn't get the china hutch or proceeds from the house or my grandmothers wedding band, what I got was the knowledge to keep the house and build my own china hutch and appreciate what I do have...that is something that can't be taken to the bank because it's priceless.

Happy Wednesday XXXOOO

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Another year...and Friday the 13th

Well, I made it past September 11, 2013 with little effect this year.  Day of I found myself very sensitive as I stopped for all 6 moments of silence and fought tears, but all in all it was better then the first 11 years.
I also managed to escape Friday the 13th without incident...what are the odds 2 days that never work out for me fall in the same week and I come out unscathed?  Amazing, isn't it?

As some of you may have seen, I've started my own direct sale venture, I am now selling Lia Sophia Jewelry...If you need a fund raiser or just want to have some girls over and some fun, let me know.  Games, drinks and prizes to be had, not to mention hostess benefits!

On October 1st I'm having surgery to have my knee reconstructed so I think for the first few weeks of the month I will run a book party, so if you want anything feel free to visit my website:
Drop by see what's new for Fall/Winter and don't forget it's NEVER too early to start your holiday shopping!

Happy Wednesday (AKA Hump DAYYYYYYYYYYY)


Thursday, June 6, 2013

Here we go again....

June 1, 2013 marks the beginning of Hurricane season here in the East and guess what?  Yes, if you guessed a storm is making it's way up the coast, you win this guessing contest.  Your prize?  Oh bragging rights for being right.
That's all


Friday, April 26, 2013

Has the world forgotten?

Today, the 27th Anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, it feels as if the world has forgotten what this day felt like in 1986...I remember it and am saddened that the national media has forgotten it.

Today's headlines mention the passing of George Jones, for which I am also saddened and more media overload on the "Boston Bomber".  Now not to be disrespectful, but thousands of lives were lost and /or affected by the nuclear disaster....George Jones made some bad life choices and still lived to 81 and the 3 lives lost are still a tragedy for the Boston families, but the bomber has been caught - can we please move on?

Every year I see September 11th become less and less important to those who's lives weren't affected by this event, but to those who lost it is a date that will never be forgotten.  To those families and friends who lost someone on this date 27 years ago, it is important to remember and take a minute to pray for them.  I know you're thinking I'm crazy, but it's won't take but a second of your time to think about someone who needs it.

Let me close by saying that I didn't lose anyone in either disaster, but both dates in history sadden me and I make it a point to think of an image that I've seen and say a prayer for that person and their families.  If it were me left behind I know I would want this, yes even from someone I've never met.


Friday, January 18, 2013

January and Looking Forward

So here it is January 2013 and I have had nothing but stress...I just looked over my last post from December and boy do I have shit to add to that post!

Christmas came and went without any fan fair  but on December 26th instead of my mother having her knee replaced she went into the hospital with an infection that has yet to be named!  Yes, she is still in the hospital.  She went from being sick, to being REALLY sick (ICU) and is now terribly malnourished but getting better.  After almost a month is bed she still has not walked and her mood is foul.  Needless to say my assistance was not welcomed and I am now completely out of the loop with her day to day care.

With that out of my system I've been looking at what I want to do in 2013 but have yet to decide.  I've ruled a few things out but have been thinking about going back to school, part time of course.  I have a friend who is struggling with his academic career and it's made me think ... "maybe I should finally get my degree"?  What do you think?  It's a bucket list item for me and maybe this is the year it happens...I'll let you know how that flys at home when I bring it up tonight!  I did start an application online, now I just have to sell it.

How are y'all?  What do you want to accomplish in 2013?