Sunny Spot

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fundraising for pool for you!

Hello All....Happy Thursday

As you know, I'm walking in the 2 day event for Breast Cancer in October. My team and I need to raise at least $3,600.00 to walk.

We are doing a Superbowl pool, and have the proceeds will go towards the walk. The other half - you could win!! Please let me know if you are interested.

It's $10 a box. $250 for the final, $150 for Halftime, $50 for 1st and 3rd. $500 donated to Avon Walk for Breast Cancer! Let me know if you're interested, thanks for your support!!!

****please note this is the brain storm of my co-walker, Team Captain Morse****

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I need to find the motivation to start training for my walk in October....not that I'm in bad shape by any means, but it still requires me building my endurance for a 20 mile day back to back.
What I need is a soundtrack, one that is built by friends and family.  I want each of you to send me a message to my personal email and give me a song that we shared and your memory of it.  I'm going to download it to my ipod and use it as part of my training and walk.  If we don't have one, then I am okay with a random motivating song, just tell me why you chose it.
I look forward to hearing from you and expect to have a HUGH library and a lot of memories to keep me going.  I know a few will make me cry and other laugh, I look forward to those emotions to keep my momentum.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Happy 2012

Last night I was reminded that I do not update my blog enough and for the 2 people who actually care enough to read it, that's just not fair!  I'm not going to make some stupid New Years Resolution and tell you I am going to keep up, because I will only break it like every other resolution I've made in the last 30 years.  5 years ago I gave up New Years Resolutions, but I do set goals for the year....still working on my BIG one from 2011 and that is my recipe mess.

So, medical update...I'm officially fixed and all is well.  I'm as healthy as I can be with the exception of the 10 lbs I gained over the holidays which I am fixin' to work off.  With my family history and my own scare, I have decided to walk the Avon 2 day Walk for Breast Cancer out of NY this October.  I will be changing around my blog shortly to reflect my dedication to this cause.  I have always been an advocate for Breast Cancer, but doing this walk this year means I'm ready to make a difference.  I will be walking with my bestie Stacey and our team name is the RACK PACK.  We are open to taking on others interested in walking.
If you would like to make a donation towards my walk please follow the link below:

So keep an eye out for the changes to my site and my fundraising efforts.  This is for all my friends and family, near and far who have had cancer touch their lives.  Cancer is cancer and finding a cure is key!