Sunny Spot

Monday, August 16, 2010

Random thoughts and a Martha Stewart rant

Today when I went out for lunch I saw a women walk down her driveway and across the lawn to her mailbox. Upon further inspection I noticed she was ONLY wearing sox...SERIOUSLY??? Do people really do that? If you are going to go through the hassle of putting on sox why not keep a slip on by the door so you don't have to go out in your sox. Personally I NEVER go outside in just sox, it tracks too much crap into the house that I will have to clean up later. I prefer clean sox and floors.

When I went out I took my back issues of magazines with me to go through and headed to the park for fresh coffee and some catching up. I first finished Good Housekeeping as this is my newest subscription. It was good but not the best one ever as far as recipes are concerned. I would think summer editions would be better since more people pick things like magazine up to read at the beach...but I digress.
So to follow was Martha Stewart, whom I have subscribed to religiously since the day the magazine was started. As a young (or should I say NEW) wife and nesting mother-to-be I wanted to BE Martha Stewart. I loved her ideas, creativity, and her prospective. It seems that PRISON has changed my beloved Martha into a women I don't recognize...she is a SELL OUT. I used to love her magazine I would get them and go through them with such enthusiasm, it would never sit around more then a few hours and I HAD to see what the months offering were. There were home making ideas, kids crafts, adult crafts and recipes I wanted to there are advertisements and redecoration's done by OTHER people. Did Martha run out of "Good Things" to show us? Or has it just come down to the fact that she is too busy to share? Where is the personal touch I long for? I use to feel like she'd show these things to me because she knew I NEEDED to know I feel like I no longer count. I've been gardening for a lot of years because she inspired me to WANT to, is she too busy to tend to her garden anymore? Does she even take a minute to show us what we can do with all the extra product we have grown for her...NO! Well Martha, I am sad to say that after a decade of loving you, I must say goodbye to your commercial magazine and your sell out ways...prison has changed you in ways I can no longer overlook.

Happy Monday XXXOOO

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