Let me tell you a story about where I work. Mind you, I work for a small, family owned, company where the average age of our work force (office) is 60.3 years old. Our insurance rate are through the roof to the point where it doesn't make sense as a young family to particiate and some days, you feel like you are old people sitting at the nursing home. I've seen some of these people stare at the computer screen drooling because they do not know what else to do.
Now, I make it a point to try not to write about specific things at work because this could become public and it would cause a lot of problems. But today is one of those "exception days" that I need to vent, and this is the only outlet that allows me that luxury.
Now there are 2 women out, and our phone get answered by a human at all times and that leaves me and another women to answer phones. I do not answer phones unless I am the only person left to do so, and since I am not, that means I only cover lunch. Bear with me...there is a point!
So I'm having a business conversation with our CFO when I look over and the other women in the office is cleaning a check cutting machine...you know the one that NO ONE uses anymore because the computer now generates them for you...well we still have one. When I asked her what she was doing she replied' " I'm disinfecting the gunk" so I asked "why?" and she said "because this is an antique"...DUH! When why on earth are we using it and cleaning it?
I think I need a vacation, I can feel the old starting to creep through my veins...is old age and stupidity contagious?
Happy Wednesday Y'all
Wow, I don't think I would have much patience!