I always wanted to be famous, that is why I started this blog...so far that isn't working out for me! I saw Julie and Julia this past fall and loved it. My first thought was, "I can write a blog and be 'discovered'", I had already started my blog by then, but I know with a little motivation I could become something great in the blogospere. Mind you, I am not talented in any manner..I cannot draw a stick figure, nor have I developed any recipe of my own; I am not rich, famous or glamourous. I am just a working mother with a drive to be domestic. My blog would be witty and scarcastic, facing everyday issues. To date I have stayed true to that and along the way I have thrown in a few profanities, to which I am not proud.
Today I read through the blogs that I follow and find that these women (yes, sexist I know) are all truely talented in thier own way. Most can bake the pants off of Betty Crocker, others deal with Spectrum kids, some shop well and one of my VERY FAVORITES is an extrodenary women and doesn't even know it and a great writer to boot! What I wouldn't give to be even the slightest bit talented...
Danny leaves for Tennessee in a week, maybe I will work on my fame and talent while he is gone. Mind you, I am not looking for fortune, just fame.
Happy Thursday
I wouldn't mind being famous either...and rich. I'm not turning my nose up at money! LOL! I saw Julie and Julia on DVD in February. I was already planning on blogging, but I think I started the very next day! LOL!