Sunny Spot

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Peanut butter, Summer and Memorial Day

Who loves peanutbutter? I do, more then I like to admit. I like it on Ritz crackers, celery, bananas, apples, english muffins, toast, bread off a spoon and with grape jelly. Why am I going on about peanutbutter? Well yesterday I opened a fresh jar and the smell stuck with me. It always reminds me of summers, we ate TONS of peanutbutter because it was very versitile to serve by the pool. I love the smell when you first open the jar, but it never quit smells the same after.

I miss my childhood summers...the totally lazy days, you got up when you wanted...ate whatever, whenever...did what you wanted with in reason and went to bed when you were tired. The next morning you get up and do it all again...(sigh) where did my youth go?

Last night I was out with Danny and the dogs and you could hear the kids playing and smell someone bbqing burgers for dinner. It was a very warm night, the kind you loved as a kid beacuse back in those days we stayed out until it was time for bed because it was too hot in the house. Now we have central air and when it is too hot outside we seem refuge in the house.

With Memorial Day on us let's not forget all those who have and do serve our country to keep us the home of the free and the brave. When you are at the BBQ or sitiing out with friends, raise a glass and say a prayer for our soldiers...they are the reason we have a future.


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