Just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a happy, safe and healthy New Year...good bye 2010, hello 2011!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Oven update
Good news my friends....the oven is officially dead, or at least it is now! Hubby went to replace the part and jammed something someplace it wasn't supposed to be so it's really a goner. I just hope I can get out on Sunday to pick one out and have it delivered early next week!
Again...Merry Christmas
Again...Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Would it be Christmas in the Sulivan house if...
Now, for those of you who know me, being a Sullivan is NEVER easy...if it wasn't for bad luck, we'd have no luck at all!
As you know I LOVE Christmas and spend weeks preparing everything from decoration to cookies. Well everything in the Sunny Spot has come to a halt with the demise of my, much hated, but needed stove. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, last night as I was preparing my son a nutritious meal of corn dogs and potato skins, my oven stopped working...I was ready to go into a full blown panic attack. After a few very deep breaths, I stopped and sighed and asked Ryan (like the little girl in Poultergiset after Twitty died) "CAN I GET A NEW ONE NOW?"
Of course I went through the painstaking task of calling Maytag to see who they suggested to come out and fix it, and was told by the associate that it wouldn't be worth the service call, I should just replace it...Oh nameless Maytag associate, I LOVE YOU!!! So I spent the better half of last night searching for the perfect stove.
So this morning I get into work and we are having computer issues. I, of course, am totally distressed because I need to continue my search for the new love of my kitchen! As the morning goes on, I get a text message from Ryan asking if I took the oven info with me..."of course I did" I reply to which he asks me to give him the model and serial number. I reluctantly do so, because it is NEVER good when Ryan asks for find details. Long story short, he has a guy who repairs them and is getting the part that is needed so I can resume my duties as kitchen bitch. Not that it's not a bad thing, but I was hoping for my 10 years of marriage I would finally get the stove I WANTED...another dream crushed!
So if any of you are looking for a Christmas / Anniversary gift for me, I would love either a gift card to Pauladeen.com or a new stainless steal stove with 5 burners and duel ovens.
On a happier note, I wish you and your families the Happiest of Holidays and a safe and Happy New Year!
As you know I LOVE Christmas and spend weeks preparing everything from decoration to cookies. Well everything in the Sunny Spot has come to a halt with the demise of my, much hated, but needed stove. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, last night as I was preparing my son a nutritious meal of corn dogs and potato skins, my oven stopped working...I was ready to go into a full blown panic attack. After a few very deep breaths, I stopped and sighed and asked Ryan (like the little girl in Poultergiset after Twitty died) "CAN I GET A NEW ONE NOW?"
Of course I went through the painstaking task of calling Maytag to see who they suggested to come out and fix it, and was told by the associate that it wouldn't be worth the service call, I should just replace it...Oh nameless Maytag associate, I LOVE YOU!!! So I spent the better half of last night searching for the perfect stove.
So this morning I get into work and we are having computer issues. I, of course, am totally distressed because I need to continue my search for the new love of my kitchen! As the morning goes on, I get a text message from Ryan asking if I took the oven info with me..."of course I did" I reply to which he asks me to give him the model and serial number. I reluctantly do so, because it is NEVER good when Ryan asks for find details. Long story short, he has a guy who repairs them and is getting the part that is needed so I can resume my duties as kitchen bitch. Not that it's not a bad thing, but I was hoping for my 10 years of marriage I would finally get the stove I WANTED...another dream crushed!
So if any of you are looking for a Christmas / Anniversary gift for me, I would love either a gift card to Pauladeen.com or a new stainless steal stove with 5 burners and duel ovens.
On a happier note, I wish you and your families the Happiest of Holidays and a safe and Happy New Year!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Chistmas Shopping, Flu Shots and CIty Fun
So Friday I took the day off from work to do clean sweep Christmas shopping...and yes I got it all done! I was feeling so accomplished I decided that this was the year that I was going to get a flu shot. So I went to the pharmacy first thing in the morning and talked to the pharmacist, who called my Dr. for clearance. I explained I had a full day and would be back later in the afternoon after all my errands were run. So off to the mall I go, but yet I never made it INTO the mall. I hit Toys R Us, Target, Dicks, The Christmas Tree Shop, Michael's and Borders...all around the mall, but never actually in it. I got all but 1 toy on my list, not bad considering it's me. I look at my watch and expect that I stood in line at TRU for at least 3 hours and it's close to 2pm...but no it's 12:30! I did all my shopping inside 3 hours, with a haircut!
So, I get to the pharmacy and it's a zoo, so I turn on my heels and head over to get a manicure and pedicure. At 3pm I go over and get ready to be shot. It's over in less then 3 seconds and I am on my way to get Danny. I told him since I made him get a shot that I got one too, he was very proud that I was "brave enough to go alone". My arm hurt for like an hour, but I survived.
On Saturday we went into the city with friends, it was a beautiful day weather wise and we took in the sights and the crowds. And boy was it crowded, now I remember why we always take a day off to go in. We started in Times Square, went down to FAO Schwarts back up 5th Avenue and looked at the windows then to Rockefeller Center. By 5pm I was beat and starting to feel under the weather, so we called it a day and left our friends to enjoy the rest of the night 3 less bodies.
Sunday we woke up to POURING rain and I felt crappy and achy, but in my usual headstrong way I fought thru and conquered my kitchen. I went grocery shopping, made a pot of soup and made batches of oatmeal raisin and gingerbread cookie dough and baked off 4 dozen chocolate chip and some oatmeal raisin. By the time I got to dinner it was 5:30...and I still had to clean up. By 8pm I was feeling really bad, almost feverish and all the time thinking, "when I was 17 and got a mumps vaccine, 3 days later I had the mumps"...oh boy, what had I done? I was in bed with NightQuil by 9pm and slept really hard. By about 3am I was totally over sleep, but talked myself back into a coma until 6:30am.
I woke this morning congested and sneezy, but functional enough to come to work, sneeze on EVERY available surface and hope everyone else in the office doesn't get this for the holidays. But I think about it this way, at least I didn't call in sick on a Monday morning!
So, I get to the pharmacy and it's a zoo, so I turn on my heels and head over to get a manicure and pedicure. At 3pm I go over and get ready to be shot. It's over in less then 3 seconds and I am on my way to get Danny. I told him since I made him get a shot that I got one too, he was very proud that I was "brave enough to go alone". My arm hurt for like an hour, but I survived.
On Saturday we went into the city with friends, it was a beautiful day weather wise and we took in the sights and the crowds. And boy was it crowded, now I remember why we always take a day off to go in. We started in Times Square, went down to FAO Schwarts back up 5th Avenue and looked at the windows then to Rockefeller Center. By 5pm I was beat and starting to feel under the weather, so we called it a day and left our friends to enjoy the rest of the night 3 less bodies.
Sunday we woke up to POURING rain and I felt crappy and achy, but in my usual headstrong way I fought thru and conquered my kitchen. I went grocery shopping, made a pot of soup and made batches of oatmeal raisin and gingerbread cookie dough and baked off 4 dozen chocolate chip and some oatmeal raisin. By the time I got to dinner it was 5:30...and I still had to clean up. By 8pm I was feeling really bad, almost feverish and all the time thinking, "when I was 17 and got a mumps vaccine, 3 days later I had the mumps"...oh boy, what had I done? I was in bed with NightQuil by 9pm and slept really hard. By about 3am I was totally over sleep, but talked myself back into a coma until 6:30am.
I woke this morning congested and sneezy, but functional enough to come to work, sneeze on EVERY available surface and hope everyone else in the office doesn't get this for the holidays. But I think about it this way, at least I didn't call in sick on a Monday morning!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
I wanted to take a moment a wish all of you and Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you all have some place warm to sleep, enought food to eat and someone who loves you very much. Please take a moment to remember those who are serving our country or are no longer with us today. Lift your glass and toast those who are with you and those who just couldn't make it.
This year is especially bittersweet for me, it's the first year I do not have my family with us for this feast day. I am leaning how to scale down recipes for 3 instead of 10 and how to relax today instead of the insanity that this day usually brings. I am working on embracing enjoying the food and company of just my boys. Although I have been lucky enough to be blessed this year with new friends who have invited us to join them on holiday. So this evening, after all the food is consumed, dished washed and leftovers put away; we will join our new friends for dessert and drinks and toast all of you.
All my best to you and your families for an enjoyable day and happiness and good health through the holiday season.
This year is especially bittersweet for me, it's the first year I do not have my family with us for this feast day. I am leaning how to scale down recipes for 3 instead of 10 and how to relax today instead of the insanity that this day usually brings. I am working on embracing enjoying the food and company of just my boys. Although I have been lucky enough to be blessed this year with new friends who have invited us to join them on holiday. So this evening, after all the food is consumed, dished washed and leftovers put away; we will join our new friends for dessert and drinks and toast all of you.
All my best to you and your families for an enjoyable day and happiness and good health through the holiday season.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
9 days until Thanksgiving...
And only 38 shopping days until Christmas...YIKES!
Did I ever tell you that I love Thanksgiving? I LOVE THANKSGIVING!!! All the food and family and endless menu possibilities and eating leftovers for a week...ahhh I think I found my nirvana. This year, for the first time in 38 years, I will not have my family for thanksgiving and I am a lot bummed about that. Every year I spend weeks planning the menu and shopping then days preparing for the arrival of my dinner guests. I'd set the table and putter around the kitchen...peel potatoes and prep veggies while watching the parade. I asked Ryan is we could go to the parade this year since we won't have any guests...I was denied! I wish I were brave enough to take Dan into the city alone and see it live, but I think I need to work on that one.
Well since we won't be cooking for the Army or going to the parade, maybe I will try my hand at early morning Black Friday shopping....do I have any takers?
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Did I ever tell you that I love Thanksgiving? I LOVE THANKSGIVING!!! All the food and family and endless menu possibilities and eating leftovers for a week...ahhh I think I found my nirvana. This year, for the first time in 38 years, I will not have my family for thanksgiving and I am a lot bummed about that. Every year I spend weeks planning the menu and shopping then days preparing for the arrival of my dinner guests. I'd set the table and putter around the kitchen...peel potatoes and prep veggies while watching the parade. I asked Ryan is we could go to the parade this year since we won't have any guests...I was denied! I wish I were brave enough to take Dan into the city alone and see it live, but I think I need to work on that one.
Well since we won't be cooking for the Army or going to the parade, maybe I will try my hand at early morning Black Friday shopping....do I have any takers?
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Let me tell you a story about where I work. Mind you, I work for a small, family owned, company where the average age of our work force (office) is 60.3 years old. Our insurance rate are through the roof to the point where it doesn't make sense as a young family to particiate and some days, you feel like you are old people sitting at the nursing home. I've seen some of these people stare at the computer screen drooling because they do not know what else to do.
Now, I make it a point to try not to write about specific things at work because this could become public and it would cause a lot of problems. But today is one of those "exception days" that I need to vent, and this is the only outlet that allows me that luxury.
Now there are 2 women out, and our phone get answered by a human at all times and that leaves me and another women to answer phones. I do not answer phones unless I am the only person left to do so, and since I am not, that means I only cover lunch. Bear with me...there is a point!
So I'm having a business conversation with our CFO when I look over and the other women in the office is cleaning a check cutting machine...you know the one that NO ONE uses anymore because the computer now generates them for you...well we still have one. When I asked her what she was doing she replied' " I'm disinfecting the gunk" so I asked "why?" and she said "because this is an antique"...DUH! When why on earth are we using it and cleaning it?
I think I need a vacation, I can feel the old starting to creep through my veins...is old age and stupidity contagious?
Happy Wednesday Y'all
Now, I make it a point to try not to write about specific things at work because this could become public and it would cause a lot of problems. But today is one of those "exception days" that I need to vent, and this is the only outlet that allows me that luxury.
Now there are 2 women out, and our phone get answered by a human at all times and that leaves me and another women to answer phones. I do not answer phones unless I am the only person left to do so, and since I am not, that means I only cover lunch. Bear with me...there is a point!
So I'm having a business conversation with our CFO when I look over and the other women in the office is cleaning a check cutting machine...you know the one that NO ONE uses anymore because the computer now generates them for you...well we still have one. When I asked her what she was doing she replied' " I'm disinfecting the gunk" so I asked "why?" and she said "because this is an antique"...DUH! When why on earth are we using it and cleaning it?
I think I need a vacation, I can feel the old starting to creep through my veins...is old age and stupidity contagious?
Happy Wednesday Y'all
Friday, October 29, 2010
How I survived my Class Party
Today we had our Fall Class Party ans I was a class mother. I enjoyed the party and I hope the kids did too! We had all kinds of snack, both healthy and junk. Cheese and Crackers, Fruit Platter, Pretzels and Cupcakes were served and enjoyed by all. Rules are now so different then they were when I was a kid...it used to be a free for all, now it's little icing this and 100% fruit juice that...I understand the childhood obesity problem here, but depriving kids of these things can't be healthy either. But I digress!
We played the mummy game where 2 kids wrap 1 kid as a mummy with toilet paper...a Memory game and then a word search and color pages with a goodie bag and a book light as prizes. We also took their pictures with some fall characters.
I survived my first class mother party...
Not out for Mexican and hopefully a Margarita is in my future. Let the weekend begin!
Happy Halloween XXXOOO
We played the mummy game where 2 kids wrap 1 kid as a mummy with toilet paper...a Memory game and then a word search and color pages with a goodie bag and a book light as prizes. We also took their pictures with some fall characters.
I survived my first class mother party...
Not out for Mexican and hopefully a Margarita is in my future. Let the weekend begin!
Happy Halloween XXXOOO
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
In Full Swing
As you all know I am a volunteer junkie, if you need help, I'm there! Well, with school being in full swing I am in over my head, as usual. You need beanbags made? I'll take care of that! You need a class mom for the fall party? I'll do that! You need something baked? I'm all over that! Book Fair late night? Count me in! Do you see how it starts?
Well, yesterday I was talking to a fellow volunteer and told her I found a really cute idea for the weekend event we have for the PTA
...aren't they a cute idea! Well of course I was asked, "Now, in what spare time will you get this done?" If I have to give up sleep my love, I will get these done for you....I think they will become a requested item! I already have the beanbag half done, fall party is all but handled and I haven't been asked to make anything for the bake sale YET, so I'm in good shape.
In other news, we've been busy, busy, busy...would you expect anything more from me? Danny is almost done with baseball and I'm hoping he gets back into full swing with scouts and Ryan will help him out with that since I am buried in PTA business. If we can add an hour or two to each day I will be in good shape...or maybe I should give a few hours up at work? Feed back would be greatly appreciated!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Well, yesterday I was talking to a fellow volunteer and told her I found a really cute idea for the weekend event we have for the PTA
In other news, we've been busy, busy, busy...would you expect anything more from me? Danny is almost done with baseball and I'm hoping he gets back into full swing with scouts and Ryan will help him out with that since I am buried in PTA business. If we can add an hour or two to each day I will be in good shape...or maybe I should give a few hours up at work? Feed back would be greatly appreciated!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Blog, Blog Baby
I know that I tend not to keep up with my blogging and that those of you (2) miss me when I don't post. There has been so much going on recently that I seem to find time slipping away and my writing takes a back seat to life. So on this sunny Wednesday afternoon, instead of working, I am going to fill you in on all my dirt!
I dont' know the last time I posted, so I will just start with the launch of the school year...that seems to be where I lost my sanity, I'm sorry I mean my place. We headed back to school the Thursday before Labor Day and it has been non stop. With work, my PTA duties, Scouting and Travel Baseball it seems that all my days a nights are full. Add to that neighborhood drama and life in general, things tend to be very complex.
Add to that Danny being evaluated and finally diagnosed with ADHD we have had our hands full. We still
need to do a sleep study and see an allergist to rule out a few other "distractions" but it is as we had suspected for the last year. We are very lucky to go to the school that we do and receive the full support of the Child Study Team along with the building staff and the principal. Without their guidance and support I don't know that I would have known what my options were!
I have also been picked to be the class mom for the fall party at school...I am combing my way through blogs looking for ideas for games, crafts and snacks (ummm snacks) that are fall or Halloween themed. I love the fall it's my favorite season...the time between Back to School and Thanksgiving I live for. I love the decor and the theme from Harvest, to Halloween and then to Thanksgiving. It warms me inside and primes my kitchen for Holiday baking and lots of winter cooking. I cannot wait to make a pot of soup or to roast a turkey.
I hope you are all enjoying the season....XXXOOO
I dont' know the last time I posted, so I will just start with the launch of the school year...that seems to be where I lost my sanity, I'm sorry I mean my place. We headed back to school the Thursday before Labor Day and it has been non stop. With work, my PTA duties, Scouting and Travel Baseball it seems that all my days a nights are full. Add to that neighborhood drama and life in general, things tend to be very complex.
Add to that Danny being evaluated and finally diagnosed with ADHD we have had our hands full. We still
need to do a sleep study and see an allergist to rule out a few other "distractions" but it is as we had suspected for the last year. We are very lucky to go to the school that we do and receive the full support of the Child Study Team along with the building staff and the principal. Without their guidance and support I don't know that I would have known what my options were!
I have also been picked to be the class mom for the fall party at school...I am combing my way through blogs looking for ideas for games, crafts and snacks (ummm snacks) that are fall or Halloween themed. I love the fall it's my favorite season...the time between Back to School and Thanksgiving I live for. I love the decor and the theme from Harvest, to Halloween and then to Thanksgiving. It warms me inside and primes my kitchen for Holiday baking and lots of winter cooking. I cannot wait to make a pot of soup or to roast a turkey.
I hope you are all enjoying the season....XXXOOO
Monday, September 13, 2010
If I jump off the deep end...will you come with me?
Today has turned out to be a challenge of my sanity. It all started this morning, when as all Monday's go, I think I have all the time in the world and it turns out it's 7:50am and we have to leave for the bus. I do, as always, ask Danny which shoes I should wear by showing him the 2 I'd like to wear and he chooses what I like to call my hooker heels. Now I love these shoes, they are black suede and have a 3 1/2" heel...they are by all means "do me" shoes. In order to wear them comfortably they require the ball of the foot cushions so that my feet don't ache all day long. Well this morning they were missing, not totally but I only found 1...so I hem and haw over to change my clothes, because the pants I choose need heels, or to stick it out. Well dear reader, I stuck it out. Wait it gets better...
I opt to stop at Walgreen's on my way to work so that I can get my much needed (and deserved at this point) ball of the foot cushions. I get out of the car and because my shoes are missing this little piece of cloud beneath my feet, I walk right out of my shoes...I cannot walk in these shoes with out my "filler"! So I walk ever so slowly thru the store...ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK, get my filler and limp back up to the register. The young man at the counter looks at me and says, "have a great day" then I inform him, "I will now", to which he replies, "whatever"...PUNK! Okay shoe crisis averted, but my feet hurt already.
Well I get to work and my mood, as usual, goes downhill. Not for any other reason but I got pissed off and THEN I remembered I was pissed off from Friday and was supposed to call in sick today...UGH!!! As I come to this revelation I get a call from the warehouse that there is an emergency with the container that just arrived and I HAVE to come back IMMEDIATELY...my feet hurt, do I have to? SO I go back and there lies a stack of bags and parsley on the floor.. "so whats the emergency?"..."we don't know how to stack this" REALLY??? What do I look like? The Guru of stacking pallets? My feet hurt...I hobble back to my desk.
At noon one of the women leaves for family reasons, at 12:30 another leaves because her planets are out of sync and at 1:20 the other leaves for lunch..."Who's going to answer the phones?"..."you are"...no I'm not, my feet hurt! Know what? I didn't answer the phone...instead I crawled back to the warehouse to take pictures of the damage in flicked on us by the container. Now I'm ready to whine about how I will never wear these shoes again and want to live in flip flops all year round...think I need a beach house! Or maybe I will try calling in sick again tomorrow...if I remember!
Happy Monday XXXOOO
I opt to stop at Walgreen's on my way to work so that I can get my much needed (and deserved at this point) ball of the foot cushions. I get out of the car and because my shoes are missing this little piece of cloud beneath my feet, I walk right out of my shoes...I cannot walk in these shoes with out my "filler"! So I walk ever so slowly thru the store...ALL THE WAY TO THE BACK, get my filler and limp back up to the register. The young man at the counter looks at me and says, "have a great day" then I inform him, "I will now", to which he replies, "whatever"...PUNK! Okay shoe crisis averted, but my feet hurt already.
Well I get to work and my mood, as usual, goes downhill. Not for any other reason but I got pissed off and THEN I remembered I was pissed off from Friday and was supposed to call in sick today...UGH!!! As I come to this revelation I get a call from the warehouse that there is an emergency with the container that just arrived and I HAVE to come back IMMEDIATELY...my feet hurt, do I have to? SO I go back and there lies a stack of bags and parsley on the floor..
At noon one of the women leaves for family reasons, at 12:30 another leaves because her planets are out of sync and at 1:20 the other leaves for lunch..."Who's going to answer the phones?"..."you are"...no I'm not, my feet hurt! Know what? I didn't answer the phone...instead I crawled back to the warehouse to take pictures of the damage in flicked on us by the container. Now I'm ready to whine about how I will never wear these shoes again and want to live in flip flops all year round...think I need a beach house! Or maybe I will try calling in sick again tomorrow...if I remember!
Happy Monday XXXOOO
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Back to the grind
We are finally back to the getting here at the Sunny Spot, school has started and volunteer commitments are creeping back and, of course, back to work....UGH! I love the carefree, unscheduled days of summer. The times when there really is no bed time and you don't care if you are a few minutes late for work...I dislike sitting in traffic and getting stuck behind school buses. I love the fact that ice cream is a perfectly acceptable dinner and that dinner is a perfectly acceptable dessert. The days are long and warm and the nights are warm and clear. I love summer and all that goes with it, sun, beach, cold cocktails...
With the fall quickly approaching, yes I said FALL! Today's high here in NNJ is only going to be 72 degrees...yes ONLY 72 degrees. Do you know what that means for us cold blooded people? That means that we have a party late this afternoon and I will have to dress (and be taunted by warm blooded people) like Nanook of the North. I already know I will need to wear jeans and a sweatshirt for most of the day, but when the sun goes down I will need to add layers...warm layers and sit REALLY close to the fire because tonight's low is 45 degrees. Can you imagine? Last week I was sitingg on the beach in OBX, NC it was 90+ degrees and I was happy as a clam, beer in hand and feet (only) in the water. Now that is my element!
Okay, so I will stop brooding over this cold weather and go finish my coffee and head out to the farmers market...have a ton of green tomatoes that I am going to make salsa with and need some fresh ingredients to make it perfect and maybe a loaf of warm bread to stuff in my shirt to keep me warm later.
Happy Sunday and Labor Day! XXXOOO
With the fall quickly approaching, yes I said FALL! Today's high here in NNJ is only going to be 72 degrees...yes ONLY 72 degrees. Do you know what that means for us cold blooded people? That means that we have a party late this afternoon and I will have to dress (and be taunted by warm blooded people) like Nanook of the North. I already know I will need to wear jeans and a sweatshirt for most of the day, but when the sun goes down I will need to add layers...warm layers and sit REALLY close to the fire because tonight's low is 45 degrees. Can you imagine? Last week I was sitingg on the beach in OBX, NC it was 90+ degrees and I was happy as a clam, beer in hand and feet (only) in the water. Now that is my element!
Okay, so I will stop brooding over this cold weather and go finish my coffee and head out to the farmers market...have a ton of green tomatoes that I am going to make salsa with and need some fresh ingredients to make it perfect and maybe a loaf of warm bread to stuff in my shirt to keep me warm later.
Happy Sunday and Labor Day! XXXOOO
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Vacation Part One
Vacation this week started 5 days ago when Ryan and I left New Jersey and headed to Tennessee to pick Danny up from his Part I of vacation. We drove for 13 hours and arrived late Friday night and spent the day with my parents on Saturday and hit the road to North Carolina on Sunday morning. We arrived in the Outer Banks around 8pm after driving another 11 hours. Monday we spent recouping, or should I say I spent recouping...the boys spent fishing.
I have a ton of pictures to show you and will set up a link as soon as I find my cable. We went to the Hattaras Lighthouse yesterday..Danny and I made it to the top, Ryan almost made it before they closed the lighthouse due to "inclimate weather". Today we spent the morning at the beach together before I was made a fishing widow again.
Hope you are all having a good week. Back home on Sunday XXXOOO
I have a ton of pictures to show you and will set up a link as soon as I find my cable. We went to the Hattaras Lighthouse yesterday..Danny and I made it to the top, Ryan almost made it before they closed the lighthouse due to "inclimate weather". Today we spent the morning at the beach together before I was made a fishing widow again.
Hope you are all having a good week. Back home on Sunday XXXOOO
Monday, August 16, 2010
Random thoughts and a Martha Stewart rant
Today when I went out for lunch I saw a women walk down her driveway and across the lawn to her mailbox. Upon further inspection I noticed she was ONLY wearing sox...SERIOUSLY??? Do people really do that? If you are going to go through the hassle of putting on sox why not keep a slip on by the door so you don't have to go out in your sox. Personally I NEVER go outside in just sox, it tracks too much crap into the house that I will have to clean up later. I prefer clean sox and floors.
When I went out I took my back issues of magazines with me to go through and headed to the park for fresh coffee and some catching up. I first finished Good Housekeeping as this is my newest subscription. It was good but not the best one ever as far as recipes are concerned. I would think summer editions would be better since more people pick things like magazine up to read at the beach...but I digress.
So to follow was Martha Stewart, whom I have subscribed to religiously since the day the magazine was started. As a young (or should I say NEW) wife and nesting mother-to-be I wanted to BE Martha Stewart. I loved her ideas, creativity, and her prospective. It seems that PRISON has changed my beloved Martha into a women I don't recognize...she is a SELL OUT. I used to love her magazine I would get them and go through them with such enthusiasm, it would never sit around more then a few hours and I HAD to see what the months offering were. There were home making ideas, kids crafts, adult crafts and recipes I wanted to try...now there are advertisements and redecoration's done by OTHER people. Did Martha run out of "Good Things" to show us? Or has it just come down to the fact that she is too busy to share? Where is the personal touch I long for? I use to feel like she'd show these things to me because she knew I NEEDED to know them...now I feel like I no longer count. I've been gardening for a lot of years because she inspired me to WANT to, is she too busy to tend to her garden anymore? Does she even take a minute to show us what we can do with all the extra product we have grown for her...NO! Well Martha, I am sad to say that after a decade of loving you, I must say goodbye to your commercial magazine and your sell out ways...prison has changed you in ways I can no longer overlook.
Happy Monday XXXOOO
When I went out I took my back issues of magazines with me to go through and headed to the park for fresh coffee and some catching up. I first finished Good Housekeeping as this is my newest subscription. It was good but not the best one ever as far as recipes are concerned. I would think summer editions would be better since more people pick things like magazine up to read at the beach...but I digress.
So to follow was Martha Stewart, whom I have subscribed to religiously since the day the magazine was started. As a young (or should I say NEW) wife and nesting mother-to-be I wanted to BE Martha Stewart. I loved her ideas, creativity, and her prospective. It seems that PRISON has changed my beloved Martha into a women I don't recognize...she is a SELL OUT. I used to love her magazine I would get them and go through them with such enthusiasm, it would never sit around more then a few hours and I HAD to see what the months offering were. There were home making ideas, kids crafts, adult crafts and recipes I wanted to try...now there are advertisements and redecoration's done by OTHER people. Did Martha run out of "Good Things" to show us? Or has it just come down to the fact that she is too busy to share? Where is the personal touch I long for? I use to feel like she'd show these things to me because she knew I NEEDED to know them...now I feel like I no longer count. I've been gardening for a lot of years because she inspired me to WANT to, is she too busy to tend to her garden anymore? Does she even take a minute to show us what we can do with all the extra product we have grown for her...NO! Well Martha, I am sad to say that after a decade of loving you, I must say goodbye to your commercial magazine and your sell out ways...prison has changed you in ways I can no longer overlook.
Happy Monday XXXOOO
Saturday, August 7, 2010
And he's gone...
On Thursday I took Danny down to meet my dad to start his vacation in TN. We left the house early and headed down, arrive in Baltimore around noon. When I called my Dad to let him know, he told me he would meet us at the airport at 330pm...ugh, what now? Well being the VERY resourceful women I am, I took advantage of where we were and suggested a trip to the National Aquarium. Which by the way was VERY well received and enjoyed. Afterwards we walked along the harbor and looked in a few shops, then it was time to head to the airport.
All said and done Danny and my Dad were checked in and through security and I was on the road by 4:30pm heading back to NJ. As I arrived home 9pm my cell phone rang and it was Danny informing me that they arrive in Knoxville and he was very happy to hear I had gotten home and we had "the same day".
Now the house is empty and the little voice in my head is not screaming at me. I am up way too early for a Saturday...
All said and done Danny and my Dad were checked in and through security and I was on the road by 4:30pm heading back to NJ. As I arrived home 9pm my cell phone rang and it was Danny informing me that they arrive in Knoxville and he was very happy to hear I had gotten home and we had "the same day".
Now the house is empty and the little voice in my head is not screaming at me. I am up way too early for a Saturday...
Saturday, July 31, 2010
I'm on a roll now
I know it's been less then 12 hours since my last post, but I'm on a roll now and it feels pretty damn good!
Last night I met up with 2 friends from grade school and we had a really nice time. I find the difference between going out with my high school friends and my grade school friends in the level of alcohol consumed. We caught up and had a nice time and great conversation. Our other friends were missed but note your names weren't taken in vein, unless you deserved it!
Today finds me up early, shocking I know, and itching to do something. The weather is beautiful and I feel I should get out and take a walk or something productive. Yet I find myself glued to this computer talking to you about what I SHOULD be doing.
Last night I met up with 2 friends from grade school and we had a really nice time. I find the difference between going out with my high school friends and my grade school friends in the level of alcohol consumed. We caught up and had a nice time and great conversation. Our other friends were missed but note your names weren't taken in vein, unless you deserved it!
Today finds me up early, shocking I know, and itching to do something. The weather is beautiful and I feel I should get out and take a walk or something productive. Yet I find myself glued to this computer talking to you about what I SHOULD be doing.
Friday, July 30, 2010
What makes you happy?
Today I read a post of a fellow blogger. She posted her guilty pleasures in life and I found it so inspiring that I decided to post a list of my own. I don't know that I will have 8, but we do share a few of the same likes so I will try not to poach her post.
#1 Food
I love food...all kinds of food. If I had to choose I would say dessert and Southern BBQ are my favorites. I love to cook them, eat them, serve them and share them. Adult beverages fall into this catagory too...namely Blue Mood Pale Ale and Dove Chocolate martini's
#2 Reading
I love to ready just about anything. I love child development books, love stories and love story murder mystries...who am I kidding I will ready anything. I love the Stephanie Plum series...I wish I had a Lula! I love a book called "the blessings of a skinned knee" it's about raising a self reliant child as the Orthodox Jews raise thier children. Very well written and great for reference.
#3 Volunteering
I love volunteering...if I could do it full time I would. I have been told that I am a near professional volunteer. I will do almost anything and find it VERY hard to say no when asked. I find this aspect of my life to be very rewarding and to see the joy on a childs face at the end of an event usually makes all the long hours worth it.
#4 Traveling
I love to travel and am willing to go anywhere. I love going on business trips, weekend excursions (which I NEVER see anymore) and long vacations. I like to road trip or fly, but if I can drive and see the things there are to see along the way, you bet I will! I love going to Disney, but have been banned from going by my husband this year. Maybe I can plan a Disney Cruise...think he'd see the difference?
#5 Being a Mommy
Being a Mommy is the BESTEST job ever! I love when my son goes from being little mister tough guy to, "can we snuggle?". These days are becoming increasingly far and few between, so I enjoy them when I can. When I ask Danny is he wants to take a ride, wheather it's to the farmers market or another state he alwasys says, "Sure". He always keeps the conversation going and is curious about everything. He askes questions about who, what, when, where and why and just when I think I'm at the edge of the cliff...he wants to snuggle again!
Okay, so my pleasures aren't really guilty ones, but these are the things that make up my life. I could go on about my job, which I love, but it's not always a pleasure.
I hope you all have a great weekend
Happy Friday
#1 Food
I love food...all kinds of food. If I had to choose I would say dessert and Southern BBQ are my favorites. I love to cook them, eat them, serve them and share them. Adult beverages fall into this catagory too...namely Blue Mood Pale Ale and Dove Chocolate martini's
#2 Reading
I love to ready just about anything. I love child development books, love stories and love story murder mystries...who am I kidding I will ready anything. I love the Stephanie Plum series...I wish I had a Lula! I love a book called "the blessings of a skinned knee" it's about raising a self reliant child as the Orthodox Jews raise thier children. Very well written and great for reference.
#3 Volunteering
I love volunteering...if I could do it full time I would. I have been told that I am a near professional volunteer. I will do almost anything and find it VERY hard to say no when asked. I find this aspect of my life to be very rewarding and to see the joy on a childs face at the end of an event usually makes all the long hours worth it.
#4 Traveling
I love to travel and am willing to go anywhere. I love going on business trips, weekend excursions (which I NEVER see anymore) and long vacations. I like to road trip or fly, but if I can drive and see the things there are to see along the way, you bet I will! I love going to Disney, but have been banned from going by my husband this year. Maybe I can plan a Disney Cruise...think he'd see the difference?
#5 Being a Mommy
Being a Mommy is the BESTEST job ever! I love when my son goes from being little mister tough guy to, "can we snuggle?". These days are becoming increasingly far and few between, so I enjoy them when I can. When I ask Danny is he wants to take a ride, wheather it's to the farmers market or another state he alwasys says, "Sure". He always keeps the conversation going and is curious about everything. He askes questions about who, what, when, where and why and just when I think I'm at the edge of the cliff...he wants to snuggle again!
Okay, so my pleasures aren't really guilty ones, but these are the things that make up my life. I could go on about my job, which I love, but it's not always a pleasure.
I hope you all have a great weekend
Happy Friday
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I want to be famous!
I always wanted to be famous, that is why I started this blog...so far that isn't working out for me! I saw Julie and Julia this past fall and loved it. My first thought was, "I can write a blog and be 'discovered'", I had already started my blog by then, but I know with a little motivation I could become something great in the blogospere. Mind you, I am not talented in any manner..I cannot draw a stick figure, nor have I developed any recipe of my own; I am not rich, famous or glamourous. I am just a working mother with a drive to be domestic. My blog would be witty and scarcastic, facing everyday issues. To date I have stayed true to that and along the way I have thrown in a few profanities, to which I am not proud.
Today I read through the blogs that I follow and find that these women (yes, sexist I know) are all truely talented in thier own way. Most can bake the pants off of Betty Crocker, others deal with Spectrum kids, some shop well and one of my VERY FAVORITES is an extrodenary women and doesn't even know it and a great writer to boot! What I wouldn't give to be even the slightest bit talented...
Danny leaves for Tennessee in a week, maybe I will work on my fame and talent while he is gone. Mind you, I am not looking for fortune, just fame.
Happy Thursday
Today I read through the blogs that I follow and find that these women (yes, sexist I know) are all truely talented in thier own way. Most can bake the pants off of Betty Crocker, others deal with Spectrum kids, some shop well and one of my VERY FAVORITES is an extrodenary women and doesn't even know it and a great writer to boot! What I wouldn't give to be even the slightest bit talented...
Danny leaves for Tennessee in a week, maybe I will work on my fame and talent while he is gone. Mind you, I am not looking for fortune, just fame.
Happy Thursday
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Summer Catch Up
So I told you about going to Scout camp with Danny? Well regardless of all the rain we really did have a great time. There is nothing like 5 days in the middle of nowhere to make you realize that people, especially the grown up ones, SUCK! This camp was run by young men and current scouts and they had such a great spirit and energy and it made the boys truely happy. The days were structured but full of fun. We are so looking forward to doing it again next year.
I got home, did laundry and got the camping gear stowed then it was time to get ready to head to Chicago. We had a great show and fabulous food and even better drinks and fun! All I can say is that Chicago is a great town. They were filming the sequal to Transformers and there was a lot of action around my hotel, so even when I wasn't in meetings or getting ready for dinners, there was a lot of walking around, seeing the sites and getting a feel for the movie. Be ready for lot of destruction!
So now it's back to reality...for a week or so anyway. Danny and I will head down the Baltimore, MD in a week for him to start his pilgramage to TN for the next 3 weeks. We will meet my dad and he and Danny will fly home. On the 20th Ryan and I will drive down to TN spend the weekend, get Danny then head out to the Outer Banks for a week of laying on the beach for me and fishing for the boys.
Ahh the carefree days of summer. The only exception is when we get back on the 30th, we start back to school 3 days later. But what a way to wrap up the summer, huh?
Happy Wednesday XXXOOO
I got home, did laundry and got the camping gear stowed then it was time to get ready to head to Chicago. We had a great show and fabulous food and even better drinks and fun! All I can say is that Chicago is a great town. They were filming the sequal to Transformers and there was a lot of action around my hotel, so even when I wasn't in meetings or getting ready for dinners, there was a lot of walking around, seeing the sites and getting a feel for the movie. Be ready for lot of destruction!
So now it's back to reality...for a week or so anyway. Danny and I will head down the Baltimore, MD in a week for him to start his pilgramage to TN for the next 3 weeks. We will meet my dad and he and Danny will fly home. On the 20th Ryan and I will drive down to TN spend the weekend, get Danny then head out to the Outer Banks for a week of laying on the beach for me and fishing for the boys.
Ahh the carefree days of summer. The only exception is when we get back on the 30th, we start back to school 3 days later. But what a way to wrap up the summer, huh?
Happy Wednesday XXXOOO
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Camp...Gulp! And a big ass bear
For the first time in my adult life I will be attending summer camp...yes, me, camp! I have to admit I'm a little nervous, but I'm sure having Danny there will make it all okay.
So where am I going you ask? Well I am off to Camp Lewis with the Cub Scouts...double gulp! We have 5 fun filled days in the middle of no where, with little to no cell phone reception, public "latrines" and coed showers. REALLY? yes really! Like it wasn't bad enough that I volunteered to go to camp, but now this? Whatever shall I do? I am personally thinking I can go a week without a realy shower, but most likely not. I also found out that I cannot take my Ambien CR with me because it is considered a narcotic...how am I supposed to deal with all of this witout sleep, let alone drugs to keep me calm? Ohohoh...and we cannot have food in our tent; this may offically kill me!
On a happier note, when I get back I have a day and a half to pull myself back togther to travel to Chicago, IL for the National IFT. More fun to had with the boss and out of country guests. L.A. if you are reading this, I'm going to need a commitment of a serious night of drinking!
Last night we had a bear visit us, and not just any bear but a wounded one! He came through a few time during the day and seemed okay, but when he came back around 8:45 he was not walking on the rear left. Inevitably we called the 5-0 to let them know we had a wounded bear and they responded within 5 min...way to go WMPD! Not only that, but they sent 2 of the nicest officers...with a great sense of humor, they laughed at all of Ryan stupid bear immitations! In the end, they didn't get a good shot at the bear to sedate him so the party broke up around 10:30pm. Today I called and filed a case with the fish and game and they were going to follow up.
The next few weeks should be interesting, I will keep you posted!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
So where am I going you ask? Well I am off to Camp Lewis with the Cub Scouts...double gulp! We have 5 fun filled days in the middle of no where, with little to no cell phone reception, public "latrines" and coed showers. REALLY? yes really! Like it wasn't bad enough that I volunteered to go to camp, but now this? Whatever shall I do? I am personally thinking I can go a week without a realy shower, but most likely not. I also found out that I cannot take my Ambien CR with me because it is considered a narcotic...how am I supposed to deal with all of this witout sleep, let alone drugs to keep me calm? Ohohoh...and we cannot have food in our tent; this may offically kill me!
On a happier note, when I get back I have a day and a half to pull myself back togther to travel to Chicago, IL for the National IFT. More fun to had with the boss and out of country guests. L.A. if you are reading this, I'm going to need a commitment of a serious night of drinking!
Last night we had a bear visit us, and not just any bear but a wounded one! He came through a few time during the day and seemed okay, but when he came back around 8:45 he was not walking on the rear left. Inevitably we called the 5-0 to let them know we had a wounded bear and they responded within 5 min...way to go WMPD! Not only that, but they sent 2 of the nicest officers...with a great sense of humor, they laughed at all of Ryan stupid bear immitations! In the end, they didn't get a good shot at the bear to sedate him so the party broke up around 10:30pm. Today I called and filed a case with the fish and game and they were going to follow up.
The next few weeks should be interesting, I will keep you posted!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Monday, June 28, 2010
This is all your fault!!!
Forgive me, for I am a few martinis deep thank you to Liza for planting the recipe in my head Saturday night...I had to come home and try making them myself! I would have done it yesterday, but i was too tired to drink, but today is a new day so here I am!
Let me fill you in on the happenings of the weekend. Friday was a blur, why I do not know - but I could not tell you what I did Friday night....oh wait, oh wait - No, I cannot tell you what I did simply because I cannot remember. See, I took Thursday and Friday off since Danny was out of school. We went to the beach on Thursday, Friday we went for a bit...oh I remember now! Danny was sick with a headache so he and I stayed home while Ryan went to Danny's travel baseball game. So we stayed home watching Nickelodeon while the rest of the world suffered out in the heat.
Saturday was my 20 year high school reunion. You see I went to 2 high schools, a private one my first 2 years and a public one my second 2. Both are memorable in their own way...this Reunion was for my first 2 years. I left late afternoon to head our to Morristown to pick up my date. After we headed over to our friends from school who are now married to go out for the evening. In school we were all always together. There were a few more of us, but for this night it was for us to reunite and catch up. We went out for drinks and some chow and talked, laughed and remembered some great times and talked about our futures. We got to the reunion and caught up with others and had a great time. Thank you Jeff for being my date, Jill for letting him be my date, Billy and Liza for having us over and to all of you for the memories past and future! No one could have better friends then you!!!
This is also where my tales begin....Liza is the reason I am sitting here, half in the bag writing my blog right now, as she is the keeper of the GREATEST MARTINI RECIPE! I searched high and low today for the secret ingredient, to no avail! But fear not, the loot is secure at a secret location and I will have it by the end of the week. In the mean time, I am using a very expensive substitute to fill my needs.
Love you all...happy Monday - A VERY HAPPY MONDAY XXXOOO!!!
Let me fill you in on the happenings of the weekend. Friday was a blur, why I do not know - but I could not tell you what I did Friday night....oh wait, oh wait - No, I cannot tell you what I did simply because I cannot remember. See, I took Thursday and Friday off since Danny was out of school. We went to the beach on Thursday, Friday we went for a bit...oh I remember now! Danny was sick with a headache so he and I stayed home while Ryan went to Danny's travel baseball game. So we stayed home watching Nickelodeon while the rest of the world suffered out in the heat.
Saturday was my 20 year high school reunion. You see I went to 2 high schools, a private one my first 2 years and a public one my second 2. Both are memorable in their own way...this Reunion was for my first 2 years. I left late afternoon to head our to Morristown to pick up my date. After we headed over to our friends from school who are now married to go out for the evening. In school we were all always together. There were a few more of us, but for this night it was for us to reunite and catch up. We went out for drinks and some chow and talked, laughed and remembered some great times and talked about our futures. We got to the reunion and caught up with others and had a great time. Thank you Jeff for being my date, Jill for letting him be my date, Billy and Liza for having us over and to all of you for the memories past and future! No one could have better friends then you!!!
This is also where my tales begin....Liza is the reason I am sitting here, half in the bag writing my blog right now, as she is the keeper of the GREATEST MARTINI RECIPE! I searched high and low today for the secret ingredient, to no avail! But fear not, the loot is secure at a secret location and I will have it by the end of the week. In the mean time, I am using a very expensive substitute to fill my needs.
Love you all...happy Monday - A VERY HAPPY MONDAY XXXOOO!!!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Aren't Friday's the best day of the week? This week I took Thursday and Friday off since school was let out on Wednesday so we could enjoy our first days of summer vacation. We got up yesterday and ran our errands, stopped and got sandwiches packed our cooler and headed to the beach. We ran into friends and spent the afternoon. When the storms rolled in we haded home, changed and went out shopping. We needed a few odds and ends for camp, so we made the best of the rain and got that out of the way. Danny and I were both exhausted, so we hunkered down and were both asleep by 9pm.
This morning we got up and were going to head back to the beach. We got there early and had to wait for the life guards to set up, but 1130am we had already had it and it was filling up fast. We opted to head home so Ryan and Danny could spend some time together. They played a round of wiffle ball, then I got dragged into kickball. We played for a while, but it seems we are all burned out today.
Tomorrow is my 20 year high school reunion...when did I get old?
Happy Friday XXXOOO
This morning we got up and were going to head back to the beach. We got there early and had to wait for the life guards to set up, but 1130am we had already had it and it was filling up fast. We opted to head home so Ryan and Danny could spend some time together. They played a round of wiffle ball, then I got dragged into kickball. We played for a while, but it seems we are all burned out today.
Tomorrow is my 20 year high school reunion...when did I get old?
Happy Friday XXXOOO
Monday, June 21, 2010
Father's Day
Isn't Father's Day supposed to be a fun time for fathers and their sons? A time to spend bonding and doing manly things? Growing up I remember my uncle and grandfather sitting on the swing, scratching their respective ball with one hand and drinking a beer with the other. The only time they would get up was if they had to pee or one of us kids wasn't around to get them a fresh beer...come to think of it, if we weren't around they probably just peed in the can.
I always remember Father's Day with my dad and a day we let him sleep late, made him breakfast and then watched CBS wide world of sports until dinner was ready. Once in a while he would chase us from the house and we would go swimming just to get out of his "hair". We made him cheesy gifts at school and that was all he got and liked it. My mother didn't fuss over him, after all it was Father's Day...it was our job to do this.
So how did it come to be that the gifts have gotten bigger and the day has become a day to spend away from your kids? I heard of fathers taking this day to play golf with their buddies, go fishing or both. What happened to this being the day, the ONE day, you spend with your dad...bonding and catching up. Are fathers these days not busy? Do they have so much time on their hands that they can take Father's Day to play with their friends and not with their kids?
All this comes about because I spent all day yesterday playing ref between Ryan and Danny. It seems that neither of them realize that they are exactly the same person in different bodies. At one point I told Ryan to take everything about Danny that annoyed him and double it...that is my life. They are both annoying when they want something, bitchy when they are hungry and pig headed stubborn. They are smelly, dirty and sloppy, but also cute, cuddly and very sweet when no one is looking.
Danny and I do everything together, it's just a fact, he and I have and non verbal agreement; we go and do what he wants and he doesn't complain or we leave. To this he also has to make concessions and go and do somethings with me without complaint...it works for us. There is never an argument, a dirty look or a debate...when he goes out with Ryan is usually and argument that has warped into a grunting match because no one can yell over the other anymore. Ryan loves the word no and don't, these are two words that drive Danny into a tailspin of bad behavior.
These are the things that make for a good Father's Day:
Having a Scout Camp Day the day before and coming home late so monster sleeps in
Making BBQ for dinner, little monster and big monster love long cooking meat
A thunderstorm in the middle of the day, makes for good down time to watch baseball
Having dinner early so there is time for LOTS of dessert
Family Movie Night the includes lots of farting jokes...both monsters love that
Happy Monday XXXOOO
I always remember Father's Day with my dad and a day we let him sleep late, made him breakfast and then watched CBS wide world of sports until dinner was ready. Once in a while he would chase us from the house and we would go swimming just to get out of his "hair". We made him cheesy gifts at school and that was all he got and liked it. My mother didn't fuss over him, after all it was Father's Day...it was our job to do this.
So how did it come to be that the gifts have gotten bigger and the day has become a day to spend away from your kids? I heard of fathers taking this day to play golf with their buddies, go fishing or both. What happened to this being the day, the ONE day, you spend with your dad...bonding and catching up. Are fathers these days not busy? Do they have so much time on their hands that they can take Father's Day to play with their friends and not with their kids?
All this comes about because I spent all day yesterday playing ref between Ryan and Danny. It seems that neither of them realize that they are exactly the same person in different bodies. At one point I told Ryan to take everything about Danny that annoyed him and double it...that is my life. They are both annoying when they want something, bitchy when they are hungry and pig headed stubborn. They are smelly, dirty and sloppy, but also cute, cuddly and very sweet when no one is looking.
Danny and I do everything together, it's just a fact, he and I have and non verbal agreement; we go and do what he wants and he doesn't complain or we leave. To this he also has to make concessions and go and do somethings with me without complaint...it works for us. There is never an argument, a dirty look or a debate...when he goes out with Ryan is usually and argument that has warped into a grunting match because no one can yell over the other anymore. Ryan loves the word no and don't, these are two words that drive Danny into a tailspin of bad behavior.
These are the things that make for a good Father's Day:
Having a Scout Camp Day the day before and coming home late so monster sleeps in
Making BBQ for dinner, little monster and big monster love long cooking meat
A thunderstorm in the middle of the day, makes for good down time to watch baseball
Having dinner early so there is time for LOTS of dessert
Family Movie Night the includes lots of farting jokes...both monsters love that
Happy Monday XXXOOO
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I think the universe is trying to tell me something
The other day I posted a blog about a movie I watched that made me cry. Today I finished a book that made me cry again...what's with the emotions??? It's not like me at all...usually I'm very verbal but not emotional.
The book is Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah...it's a story about friendship that spans 30 years, through life, love and kids. Even though they prepare you for the ending, I don't think you are ever ready...you become a part of their lives and know the emotions like your own. Read it...great book and perfectly written.
The book is Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah...it's a story about friendship that spans 30 years, through life, love and kids. Even though they prepare you for the ending, I don't think you are ever ready...you become a part of their lives and know the emotions like your own. Read it...great book and perfectly written.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
My Sisters Keeper
Today I had a little time alone, so I opted to watch a movie. I chose to watch My Sisters Keeper...it was SAD, so horribly SAD. I smiled and cried, at times I smiles thru my tears.
The sisters called each other Sissy, something I called my sister most of my life and still do from time to time. It was a movie that I caution you is VERY SAD, but a story about what sisters will do for one another. I won't tell you that you need to see it, or have to see it...but if you love your sister....AND I DO...give it a thought.
Oh...and my mother, at the ripe old age of 60, got her first tattoo today!!! Could a daughter be any more proud???
The sisters called each other Sissy, something I called my sister most of my life and still do from time to time. It was a movie that I caution you is VERY SAD, but a story about what sisters will do for one another. I won't tell you that you need to see it, or have to see it...but if you love your sister....AND I DO...give it a thought.
Oh...and my mother, at the ripe old age of 60, got her first tattoo today!!! Could a daughter be any more proud???
sisters and my moms tattoo
Friday, May 28, 2010
To blog or not to blog
Tonight I struggle with everything...period! I can't even tell you what I struggle with today, but I can tell you I may turn on you any minute. I get to work and I'm fine, the morning wasn't bad but yet the sound of every ones voice grated on my nerves...I out my head down and just work and try to block out the noise, then the voices in my head are screaming at me! I cannot win.
I leave the office at 2pm and talk to myself the entire way about the stupidity of the human race in general. How do people dive this badly? Couldn't you figure out how the directional worked? Listen you little cowboy...don't ride my ass I've been driving longer then you've been alive. Lady, did you get your license out of a cracker jack box? God help me!
The highlight of my day was when I picked Danny up at school only to find out he was in trouble again for screwing around on the bus. The second he spots me he knows there's trouble...his father was supposed to get him! So here I am, sitting in the hallway AGAIN waiting to talk to the principal...like a troubled child myself. I go in and tell him, "I know I know...positive reinforcement" It's getting really hard to praise Danny when he is always in trouble..."can't you just beat him and be done with this?" I remember seeing kids being hit by the nuns in grade school and I was scared shit less...I would NEVER act up for fear that would be me.
So home we go for a little down time before scouts...this will be our last den meeting for the year so we had a pizza party. All in all it was a good night topped off with Danny, Ryan and I going out for DQ afterwards. Now the boys are watching the Yankees and I am watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives reruns on Food Network while eating Twizzlers.
It's my lot in life...it's not a lot, but its my life!
Happy Friday XXXOOO
I leave the office at 2pm and talk to myself the entire way about the stupidity of the human race in general. How do people dive this badly? Couldn't you figure out how the directional worked? Listen you little cowboy...don't ride my ass I've been driving longer then you've been alive. Lady, did you get your license out of a cracker jack box? God help me!
The highlight of my day was when I picked Danny up at school only to find out he was in trouble again for screwing around on the bus. The second he spots me he knows there's trouble...his father was supposed to get him! So here I am, sitting in the hallway AGAIN waiting to talk to the principal...like a troubled child myself. I go in and tell him, "I know I know...positive reinforcement" It's getting really hard to praise Danny when he is always in trouble..."can't you just beat him and be done with this?" I remember seeing kids being hit by the nuns in grade school and I was scared shit less...I would NEVER act up for fear that would be me.
So home we go for a little down time before scouts...this will be our last den meeting for the year so we had a pizza party. All in all it was a good night topped off with Danny, Ryan and I going out for DQ afterwards. Now the boys are watching the Yankees and I am watching Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives reruns on Food Network while eating Twizzlers.
It's my lot in life...it's not a lot, but its my life!
Happy Friday XXXOOO
principla and last den meeting
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Peanut butter, Summer and Memorial Day
Who loves peanutbutter? I do, more then I like to admit. I like it on Ritz crackers, celery, bananas, apples, english muffins, toast, bread off a spoon and with grape jelly. Why am I going on about peanutbutter? Well yesterday I opened a fresh jar and the smell stuck with me. It always reminds me of summers, we ate TONS of peanutbutter because it was very versitile to serve by the pool. I love the smell when you first open the jar, but it never quit smells the same after.
I miss my childhood summers...the totally lazy days, you got up when you wanted...ate whatever, whenever...did what you wanted with in reason and went to bed when you were tired. The next morning you get up and do it all again...(sigh) where did my youth go?
Last night I was out with Danny and the dogs and you could hear the kids playing and smell someone bbqing burgers for dinner. It was a very warm night, the kind you loved as a kid beacuse back in those days we stayed out until it was time for bed because it was too hot in the house. Now we have central air and when it is too hot outside we seem refuge in the house.
With Memorial Day on us let's not forget all those who have and do serve our country to keep us the home of the free and the brave. When you are at the BBQ or sitiing out with friends, raise a glass and say a prayer for our soldiers...they are the reason we have a future.
I miss my childhood summers...the totally lazy days, you got up when you wanted...ate whatever, whenever...did what you wanted with in reason and went to bed when you were tired. The next morning you get up and do it all again...(sigh) where did my youth go?
Last night I was out with Danny and the dogs and you could hear the kids playing and smell someone bbqing burgers for dinner. It was a very warm night, the kind you loved as a kid beacuse back in those days we stayed out until it was time for bed because it was too hot in the house. Now we have central air and when it is too hot outside we seem refuge in the house.
With Memorial Day on us let's not forget all those who have and do serve our country to keep us the home of the free and the brave. When you are at the BBQ or sitiing out with friends, raise a glass and say a prayer for our soldiers...they are the reason we have a future.
childhood soliders,
random peanutbutter
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bitchy Blog
I want to apologize for my last, very angry blog...I meant EVERY word of it, but I shouldn't take it out on all of you. I find myself in this funk from time to time, but it has never lasted this long and it bothers me a lot to feel this way. I am sorry for my rant, I will try and be more sensitive in the future.
In the mean time my house continues to fall around me and the flowers in my garden are dying...why do I feel all these things are a sign? I felt such dispair yesterday that I actually went online to see what job options were in Charlotte, NC and what rentals would take pets...amazingly enough there are plenty of both! That made me feel better...now to get the money pit sold and my bags packed.
In happier news, the first half of my travel for this year is complete and I made a lot of great contacts in MA last week. I have been working on getting all my ducks in a row so we can sell, sell, sell! Things at work are busy which I am grateful for, without work I would have nothing to look forward to. Believe it or not this is the only place I can get some peace and quiet!
Cannot wait for the Memorial Day weekend to start...have to prep our scouts to march in the parade at our Friday Den Meeting. Planning a menu for the weekend in my head and planning on hitting a Skyhawks vs. Jackels game on Saturday afternoon. What are you doing? Whatever it is I hope you enjoy the beautiful weather!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
In the mean time my house continues to fall around me and the flowers in my garden are dying...why do I feel all these things are a sign? I felt such dispair yesterday that I actually went online to see what job options were in Charlotte, NC and what rentals would take pets...amazingly enough there are plenty of both! That made me feel better...now to get the money pit sold and my bags packed.
In happier news, the first half of my travel for this year is complete and I made a lot of great contacts in MA last week. I have been working on getting all my ducks in a row so we can sell, sell, sell! Things at work are busy which I am grateful for, without work I would have nothing to look forward to. Believe it or not this is the only place I can get some peace and quiet!
Cannot wait for the Memorial Day weekend to start...have to prep our scouts to march in the parade at our Friday Den Meeting. Planning a menu for the weekend in my head and planning on hitting a Skyhawks vs. Jackels game on Saturday afternoon. What are you doing? Whatever it is I hope you enjoy the beautiful weather!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Dirty Jersey and the reason it's time to go
For the last year we have talked about getting out of NJ and starting our lives in a warmer climate. I can name 10 reasons I dislike living here and lately I can probably find 50 more if asked. Today I am going to lay out the main reasons why it's time to go...
1) I don't like the winters. It's too cold and we have had way too much snow. I like the change of seasons, but cannot take too many more winters here.
2) The house we bought is too small and falling down around us....I refuse to put more money into this pit, I may resort to playing with fire.
3) If I want to get anywhere I have to drive a minimum of 40 minutes to get anywhere. With the exception of the grocery store which still takes 15 minutes.
4) Molly doesn't like the cold either. If it's below 50 degrees she shivers when she goes out.
5) I need to live in a neighborhood where the kids are well behaved and don't scream constantly.
6) I would prefer to live someplace where a rooster DOES NOT crow into our bedroom windows at 6:30am on Saturday morning.
7) I would like to have social neighbors that I like. We have 4 neighbors that we like, the rest can rot in hell. It's not like I haven't tried, I've thrown block parties and tried to get the neighbors to know one another, drink and be happy...these people suck!
8) My son is an only child and needs other kids to play with.
9) I would like to live nearer a beach so that I can walk it when the weather is cool and lay on it when the weather is warm....sand makes me happy
10) Our trash neighbors are bringing down the value of my home and the police are here at all hours...I cannot live like this anymore. I do not want my son to grow up thinking the police showing up is normal...because it's not!
I am beyond exhausted with these living conditions. I live in a small neighborhood where we should all look out for one another, not be forced to watch the welfare families kids because the mother cannot be bothered. Yesterday I was all but reduced to tears over this and cannot stand the fact I cannot even enjoy sitting out on my patio anymore because this is not the place I want to live anymore.
Happy Sunday All XXXOOO
1) I don't like the winters. It's too cold and we have had way too much snow. I like the change of seasons, but cannot take too many more winters here.
2) The house we bought is too small and falling down around us....I refuse to put more money into this pit, I may resort to playing with fire.
3) If I want to get anywhere I have to drive a minimum of 40 minutes to get anywhere. With the exception of the grocery store which still takes 15 minutes.
4) Molly doesn't like the cold either. If it's below 50 degrees she shivers when she goes out.
5) I need to live in a neighborhood where the kids are well behaved and don't scream constantly.
6) I would prefer to live someplace where a rooster DOES NOT crow into our bedroom windows at 6:30am on Saturday morning.
7) I would like to have social neighbors that I like. We have 4 neighbors that we like, the rest can rot in hell. It's not like I haven't tried, I've thrown block parties and tried to get the neighbors to know one another, drink and be happy...these people suck!
8) My son is an only child and needs other kids to play with.
9) I would like to live nearer a beach so that I can walk it when the weather is cool and lay on it when the weather is warm....sand makes me happy
10) Our trash neighbors are bringing down the value of my home and the police are here at all hours...I cannot live like this anymore. I do not want my son to grow up thinking the police showing up is normal...because it's not!
I am beyond exhausted with these living conditions. I live in a small neighborhood where we should all look out for one another, not be forced to watch the welfare families kids because the mother cannot be bothered. Yesterday I was all but reduced to tears over this and cannot stand the fact I cannot even enjoy sitting out on my patio anymore because this is not the place I want to live anymore.
Happy Sunday All XXXOOO
Monday, May 10, 2010
Whirlwind, trouble and mute
So it's been a while, right? Well with me it's always something...too many commitments, not enough time! Well let's start at the beginning, last time I was here we were enjoying our trip to TN and coming home with a new puppy....meet Molly!
She's cute, isn't she? Don't let her fool you, she is as bad as she is cute. She and Abby have become a pair to be reckoned with. What one doesn't think of the other one does, it's been a fun adjustment. I won't even tell you about the destruction that led up to us purchasing a crate that is all but bent like you see in the cartoons! We've taken to keeping dawgdini in her crate with zip ties...no not zip tying her to the crate, but keeping her from escaping by zip tying key escape routes. They are cute together and have become the best of friends, they even spoon when no one is looking.
In other news, Danny finally made his First Communion...he was so happy! He even agreed to take a picture with me AND smile!
We had a perfectly beautiful day and luckily we took the 11am Mass and not the 1pm, because it was 90 degrees by lunchtime. We had a luncheon at the Greenwood Lake Airport, there is a restaurant up there called the Passport Cafe' that was taken over by the new owners last August...go see them if you are in the area, best food EVER!!! Note they are only open for breakfast and lunch...but tell them I sent you! Better yet, if you are around the weekend of May 22nd and 23rd go for breakfast and stay for the flying and cruising festival, as well as, the battle of the bands. I don't know who is going to be playing, but it should be a lot of fun!
Last week I got a call from school about Danny's behavior both at school and on the bus. It seems that my son has been having issues on the bus for a while now and they finally suspended him for a week. I, in turn, am stuck driving him to and picking him up from school everyday...boy is he in a boatload of trouble! I made him bag up all his toys with the exception of 1 set of legos and 3 books. In addition he has no TV, no video games and has 1 hour of outside play time during the week. He cannot go to scouts or baseball unless he has had a good day at school and continues to behave at home. So far so good....I even have him writing, " I will not misbehave at school or on the bus" in a steno book until it is full, that fills up some of that free time in the evenings.
On Saturday I cleaned the house and sorted seasonal clothes. The wind picked up in the afternoon and the pollen was so thick you could see it....I couldn't stand to sit outside. I spent most of the day with a horrible headache and a scratchy throat. Needless to say I woke upon Sunday horrible hoarse and by mid day I was near mute. It doesn't seems to be getting any better!
Should I touch of Mother's Day? Do you really want to hear? It's not pretty by any means...but you asked for it! The day started out well, we got up had coffee, Danny gave me my last gift (they arrived a few at a time and couldn't wait to be given) and I wanted to go see my friends at the airport for breakfast...so we went. Everything was great! We opted to leave Molly out of her crate since we were only going to be an hour or so, MISTAKE!!! The dogs ripped apart numerous things, nothing of importance or value, but it was a frigging mess! One of the casualties was the blind in the living room window over the couch...it was beyond repair so we opted to head to Home Depot and pick one up among other things. On the way down Ryan asked me what I wanted for dinner that night. I proceeded to tell him I didn't want to have to shop for, prepare or clean up after this meal. He said he "wouldn't think of it"...but guess what? He did think of it, and I did all 3 of the things I do everyday on MOTHERS DAY...boy was I pissed! And to boot, God deemed me mute on this day of all days.
Happy Monday All XXXOOO
lost voice,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Don't let me keep you...
I have spent most of the day not feeling like myself, I feel VERY bitchy and out of sorts and REALLY want to say something hurtful...but what good would it do to make someone else feel badly about themselves? Probably nothing but make me feel like a bad person...
I know, I know, those of you who know me think that me feeling VERY bitchy isn't out of the ordinary because I am a bitch. But I feel worse then I normally do, I'm short tempered and cannot stand the sound of peoples voices...even the voices in my head are screaming. I don't like anyone right now and would like nothing more then to crawl into a hole and wait this bad mood out.
It all started with our "rental neighbors" and their ignorant trash ways...it snowballed into NJ State education cuts and the WM school budget, that affect my taxes and take my home value down and the fact that my WTR (white trash rental) brings it down even more. I went on my first vacation without my husband in 10 years and came home with a new puppy. I miss my parents more then I can even express and I'm worried about my sister having back surgery. My job is safe, but we wonder weekly if Ryan will have a job since the hospital was bought. We got our tax bill and I don't even want to talk about that!!! Does all this mean something? And if so what?
Well our WTR has kids that spend EVERY waking hour at my house and get under my skin...the little 10 year old girl is a tramp and a know it all and informed my son that I am a "fucking moron". Well that made my decision easy...poof, you are no longer allowed at our house because you have NO respect for adults. AND if you have something to say about me, at least have the decency to say it TO me, not just ABOUT me. While we are on the subject of morons...maybe you aught to look at your upbringing???!!!
Let's touch on the politics here for just a brief paragraph...I don't like politics so when I have an opinion it's usually a strong one for me to want to discuss it! I HATE YOU CHRISTY...YOU SUCK!!! How dare you take away the aide to our children and put our teachers and administrators in a position to have to decide on keeping programs or their jobs...who the hell do you think you are??? You SIR, are a horses ass...the deficit didn't show up in a years time, you cannot fix it that way either. I hope you reap what you sow... DONE
Vacation with my parents was great, but would have been better if we all could have been together. I though Danny and I having a week away would have been great and it was....but I think my dad misses Ryan and would have liked to have him there too. They seem very happy where they are and I hope it all stays that way! My sister has had back problems for sometime and has recently been affected by them more and more...now she needs to have a spinal fusion, this worries me! My sister has 3 kids and is a full time student herself...we all hope there is a less evasive way for them to correct this for her so that she can get back to her life.
Oh wait, did I say puppy...why YES I did! When we went down to TN my aunt had this stray she was looking for a home for. Guess who's home she got? Yes, mine! She is a plott hound and about 5 months old. Her name is Molly and Abby (the lab) LOVES her. More on this later...
Hope things get better for me soon...this funk SUCKS almost as much as CHRISTY!!!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
I know, I know, those of you who know me think that me feeling VERY bitchy isn't out of the ordinary because I am a bitch. But I feel worse then I normally do, I'm short tempered and cannot stand the sound of peoples voices...even the voices in my head are screaming. I don't like anyone right now and would like nothing more then to crawl into a hole and wait this bad mood out.
It all started with our "rental neighbors" and their ignorant trash ways...it snowballed into NJ State education cuts and the WM school budget, that affect my taxes and take my home value down and the fact that my WTR (white trash rental) brings it down even more. I went on my first vacation without my husband in 10 years and came home with a new puppy. I miss my parents more then I can even express and I'm worried about my sister having back surgery. My job is safe, but we wonder weekly if Ryan will have a job since the hospital was bought. We got our tax bill and I don't even want to talk about that!!! Does all this mean something? And if so what?
Well our WTR has kids that spend EVERY waking hour at my house and get under my skin...the little 10 year old girl is a tramp and a know it all and informed my son that I am a "fucking moron". Well that made my decision easy...poof, you are no longer allowed at our house because you have NO respect for adults. AND if you have something to say about me, at least have the decency to say it TO me, not just ABOUT me. While we are on the subject of morons...maybe you aught to look at your upbringing???!!!
Let's touch on the politics here for just a brief paragraph...I don't like politics so when I have an opinion it's usually a strong one for me to want to discuss it! I HATE YOU CHRISTY...YOU SUCK!!! How dare you take away the aide to our children and put our teachers and administrators in a position to have to decide on keeping programs or their jobs...who the hell do you think you are??? You SIR, are a horses ass...the deficit didn't show up in a years time, you cannot fix it that way either. I hope you reap what you sow... DONE
Vacation with my parents was great, but would have been better if we all could have been together. I though Danny and I having a week away would have been great and it was....but I think my dad misses Ryan and would have liked to have him there too. They seem very happy where they are and I hope it all stays that way! My sister has had back problems for sometime and has recently been affected by them more and more...now she needs to have a spinal fusion, this worries me! My sister has 3 kids and is a full time student herself...we all hope there is a less evasive way for them to correct this for her so that she can get back to her life.
Oh wait, did I say puppy...why YES I did! When we went down to TN my aunt had this stray she was looking for a home for. Guess who's home she got? Yes, mine! She is a plott hound and about 5 months old. Her name is Molly and Abby (the lab) LOVES her. More on this later...
Hope things get better for me soon...this funk SUCKS almost as much as CHRISTY!!!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Is Today Tuesday?
Danny and I arrived in Tennessee on Sunday night at about 8pm. It was a long day with a lot of driving but we were both excited to arrive. When we got here the house was full of family...everyone waited for us even with our late arrival. It seemed we were making good time, but in the end, it still took us 13 hours, with stops.
So here we are, it has been a whirlwind! We haven't stopped since we arrived, but that's okay. Little did we know that waiting for us on Easter night was the sweetest little dog...Molly. We don't know what she is, but looks part hound and lab. She is little and sweet and needed a good home. Today we took her to the vet and got her worms cured, when we get home we will take her to our vet and get her all her shots and a full blown check up...and fixed! She tends to like to hump, so a good fixin' will take care of that.
I hope to take some pictures to post, for now I am just enjoying my visit!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
So here we are, it has been a whirlwind! We haven't stopped since we arrived, but that's okay. Little did we know that waiting for us on Easter night was the sweetest little dog...Molly. We don't know what she is, but looks part hound and lab. She is little and sweet and needed a good home. Today we took her to the vet and got her worms cured, when we get home we will take her to our vet and get her all her shots and a full blown check up...and fixed! She tends to like to hump, so a good fixin' will take care of that.
I hope to take some pictures to post, for now I am just enjoying my visit!
Happy Tuesday XXXOOO
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Stupidity, Suckiness and the School Budget
Okay, so remember the other day I mentioned the BOE meeting about the budget? Well, P.S., it was a bust...not a complete bust, but nothing was rectified other then the fact the Board told us if the budget doesn't pass, then they will be forced to the extreme measures (AKA, closing a school). Every year, regardless of what my taxes will be increased to, I vote for the school budget, it's important if not to me then to someone else like our kids. On top of a budget that ALWAYS gets voted down, our district is taking a $3.3 Million hit to our funding from the state...can you say "Hit Twice"?
So my part in all this? I'm a concerned parent...with our local (and last) Catholic school closing in June that leads me to wonder what our class sizes will be next year and will we have enough teachers to handle it??? Our teachers are already overburdened being asked to go above and beyond and getting paid in breadcrumbs. Why is it that the "supervisors and administrators" can't take a pay cut or even, God forbid, asked to to give up their bonuses so save some money? I printed out the budget today and also found out that the current salaries of our administration is $748,645 BEFORE bonuses and benefits which is another $30K... oh, oh oh AND they get 117 days off (they work 248 days) and THEN get 28 vacation days, 14 sick days and 7 personal days which bring them to a net of working 199 days per year!!! Our teachers teach 180 days + grade papers at night and then ALL those holidays we get, those are in service days for them...they start 2 weeks before the kids and work 2 weeks beyond and sometime more. They are making less money then they deserve and could potentially be VERY hurt by all this...I fear for the future of our kids!
On the up side, we went out for drinks after the meeting and had some girl fun! It was nice to spend some time with the "Mommies" and hear the stories about their kids and experiences with the teachers and school. I found that some of these ladies are VERY funny and a late night and good time was had by all! Thank you to the patrons of Valley View for putting up with our loud stories and laughter!!!
Happy Thursday All...XXXOOO
So my part in all this? I'm a concerned parent...with our local (and last) Catholic school closing in June that leads me to wonder what our class sizes will be next year and will we have enough teachers to handle it??? Our teachers are already overburdened being asked to go above and beyond and getting paid in breadcrumbs. Why is it that the "supervisors and administrators" can't take a pay cut or even, God forbid, asked to to give up their bonuses so save some money? I printed out the budget today and also found out that the current salaries of our administration is $748,645 BEFORE bonuses and benefits which is another $30K... oh, oh oh AND they get 117 days off (they work 248 days) and THEN get 28 vacation days, 14 sick days and 7 personal days which bring them to a net of working 199 days per year!!! Our teachers teach 180 days + grade papers at night and then ALL those holidays we get, those are in service days for them...they start 2 weeks before the kids and work 2 weeks beyond and sometime more. They are making less money then they deserve and could potentially be VERY hurt by all this...I fear for the future of our kids!
On the up side, we went out for drinks after the meeting and had some girl fun! It was nice to spend some time with the "Mommies" and hear the stories about their kids and experiences with the teachers and school. I found that some of these ladies are VERY funny and a late night and good time was had by all! Thank you to the patrons of Valley View for putting up with our loud stories and laughter!!!
Happy Thursday All...XXXOOO
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Did you miss me?
I am sorry to those of you who read my blog that I had to change location. Spam and my Yahoo account had become overwhelming and I got tired of all the complaining so I though it best to sever all ties and start fresh...so, did you miss me?
Things have been very busy! With scout events and the NJ School budget being cut and all my other commitments life has been very hectic.
Let's go back 2 weeks, Danny and I went on an encampment weekend on the Battleship, NJ with our scout pack and had a BLAST. We started out in the pouring rain in Philly at Geno's for Cheese steaks and the Franklin Institute for some learning. The encampment was so cool, even with only a few hours of sleep, I highly recommend it!
Last week was, of course, St.Patrick's Day which is always fun! I made Corned Beef in the slow cooker and Irish Soda bread and even had a beer! This past weekend was jam packed...Friday we ordered pizza and watched Spiderman I, very cool movie...cannot wait for II to arrive. On Saturday Danny got his Light of Christ religious emblem, we booked the caterer for First Communion, ran numerous errands and had soccer. When we got home from Church Saturday night we kicked back with a few beers and took the new firepit for it's Maiden Voyage...ended up entertaining the neighborhood kids with S'mores! Then Sunday we had breakfast at the Greenwood Lake Airport and then onto Spring cleaning for me, yard clean up for Ryan and some backyard baseball for Danny. For those of you in WM...go and have a meal at the Passport Cafe' and meet the new owners, great food and wonderful people! We booked Danny's communion luncheon there...cannot wait!
This week, it's meeting, meeting and bookfair! Tonight and tomorrow are the Board of Education Meeting to hear how we are going to deal with the $3.3 million budget cuts our schools are going to take...ugh, why now? Thursday is our family night at the bookfair, have to do my part! And Friday is our Den meeting for Scouts, going to teach our little men about Recycling and Composting so they are ready to help our towns people at the Highlands Greenfest on May 22nd.
We are also counting down to our road trip to TN, 12 days! Danny and my Parents cannot wait, it seems to be the only topic of conversation. I have a laundry list of all the goodies we need to pack up and bring with us...at the top of the list? Bacon and Vanilla beans, can you beat that?
Happy Tuesday! XXXOOO
Things have been very busy! With scout events and the NJ School budget being cut and all my other commitments life has been very hectic.
Let's go back 2 weeks, Danny and I went on an encampment weekend on the Battleship, NJ with our scout pack and had a BLAST. We started out in the pouring rain in Philly at Geno's for Cheese steaks and the Franklin Institute for some learning. The encampment was so cool, even with only a few hours of sleep, I highly recommend it!
Last week was, of course, St.Patrick's Day which is always fun! I made Corned Beef in the slow cooker and Irish Soda bread and even had a beer! This past weekend was jam packed...Friday we ordered pizza and watched Spiderman I, very cool movie...cannot wait for II to arrive. On Saturday Danny got his Light of Christ religious emblem, we booked the caterer for First Communion, ran numerous errands and had soccer. When we got home from Church Saturday night we kicked back with a few beers and took the new firepit for it's Maiden Voyage...ended up entertaining the neighborhood kids with S'mores! Then Sunday we had breakfast at the Greenwood Lake Airport and then onto Spring cleaning for me, yard clean up for Ryan and some backyard baseball for Danny. For those of you in WM...go and have a meal at the Passport Cafe' and meet the new owners, great food and wonderful people! We booked Danny's communion luncheon there...cannot wait!
This week, it's meeting, meeting and bookfair! Tonight and tomorrow are the Board of Education Meeting to hear how we are going to deal with the $3.3 million budget cuts our schools are going to take...ugh, why now? Thursday is our family night at the bookfair, have to do my part! And Friday is our Den meeting for Scouts, going to teach our little men about Recycling and Composting so they are ready to help our towns people at the Highlands Greenfest on May 22nd.
We are also counting down to our road trip to TN, 12 days! Danny and my Parents cannot wait, it seems to be the only topic of conversation. I have a laundry list of all the goodies we need to pack up and bring with us...at the top of the list? Bacon and Vanilla beans, can you beat that?
Happy Tuesday! XXXOOO
Encampment and GWL Airport
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